Compare Vets1Laser to other brands

We provide table comparisons below comparing other Class 4 Laser machines to the Vets1Laser models. 

We have not included any Class 3 Laser machines at any price because they simply cannot compete with ANY Class 4 Laser device on performance and treatment times in relation to cost of ownership. They are possibly suited to home use IF they are affordable.

Note that there are some Class 3 Laser machines that are sold for more than our entry level  Vets1Laser 10W model and that is quite extraordinary as they wil never be comparable.

We are unable to determine some of the Specs and pricing for some machines but we will include more details as we find them. 

The explanation for the () notes is on the second page of each PDF.  You can print these tables for your research into Laser machines using the menus at the top.